Sustainable Products
Natures Bedding Co hemp duvets use 100% natural hemp fibre, hemp is called a carbon negative plant. For every tonne of hemp harvested, it absorbs around 2 tonne of carbon.
Silk is also a natural fibre, and the only chemical used in the manufacturing process of silk is H2O.
Finneys Importers and Distribution Ltd are proud to be members of the following-
- Textile Reuse Programme – what we have achieved so far... Assessed programme member's textile & clothing consumption to understand the scale of the issue.
- Individual decommissioning exercises to inform the design of the system solution.
- Mapped material flows in NZ as a baseline for a circular system, publishing the findings in the report – LOOKING IN THE MIRROR – A review of circularity in the clothing and textiles industry in Aotearoa.
- Co-designed with industry a national voluntary product stewardship scheme for textiles & clothing.
- Delivered a White Paper to Government (May 2021) from the Textile and Clothing industry in Aotearoa. A six-part plan calling on the government to join with industry to lead a coordinated, strategic approach to implementing meaningful, practical solutions at scale.
- Researched overseas trends and trialled technology innovations, specifically looking into dye removal from polyester, how to separate polycottons (into cotton & polyester), and to recycle polyester textile into recycled plastic pellets for reuse (rPET) – to inform the viability of these technologies in NZ.
- Researched existing local solutions, identifying what’s here, what’s missing and where are the opportunities.
- Conducted a feasibility study identifying use cases for end-of-use textile and clothing for NZ industrial products.
- Designed and built a software platform, Usedfully® Resource Management System (to MVP stage) to register and track material flows and environmental impacts from retail/sale through to the end-of-use, and back into reuse.
- R&D into end-of-life solutions, actively pursuing the most feasible options, resulting in these successful outcomes:● designed and confirmed a processing pathway to take textile to a form (powder) for reuse into industrial products with Scion in Rotorua. ● created a roading product, trialled with NZTA and WSP NZ, next is a laydown trial on a road. ● explored pathways in the building and 3D printing sector for end-of-use textile resources. Join us! Enquire about membership here, or contact us directly at